Be honest! Your high school clothes rocked! But as you head toward college, you might not be too sure. No problem! These 10 steps will put you on the right track and help you make a memorable impression at college all year.
- Lose the high school T-shirts and sweats, buy some clothes sporting your college’s logo and wear them proudly.
- Keep a fallback outfit available – something comfortably chic like leggings and a loose, cozy sweater for early morning classes.
- A classy, cute cocktail dress is a must have for both school formals and off-campus events. The classic little black dress is always in style.
- Another must have is a going-out outfit. A stylish dress paired with a laid-back jacket is just the answer.
- Find a pair of stunning but versatile (and comfortable) shoes that work well with most of the pieces in your wardrobe.
- For evenings out a small cross-body bag is perfect and just the right size for everything you need to go out – a cell phone, money, your ID, keys, and make-up.
- Be prepared to walk or bike everywhere! A good pair (or two) of casual, comfortable shoes is a requirement.
- Check out the weather in your new city. Then, find outerwear that will help you look and feel good in rain, snow or sun.
- College expenses might take a bite out of your fashion budget, but don’t worry! Dress up your outfits with a few statement pieces of jewelry that can be mixed and matched.
- A final clothing must is one jacket that will go with everything – be it denim or sleek leather.
Now that you’ve got a wardrobe plan, be sure you know how to care for these amazing clothes. And, if you’re leaving the area, stop by Flair for tips on finding a dry cleaner in your new home. Or, save the cleaning and we’ll take care of it on Winter Break! Good luck!
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