GreenEarth is a dry cleaning process we use at Flair Cleaners to replace toxic petrochemical solvents that are used by most cleaners. It uses liquid silicone, an odorless, colorless solution that is ideal for fabric care and better for the environment. The liquid silicone used in GreenEarth is a safe, natural byproduct of sand. Liquid silicone degrades into sand (SiO2) and trace amounts of water and carbon dioxide if spilled or released to the environment. It is recognized as safe for air, soil, and water.
Benefits of GreenEarth
Cleaning in GreenEarth is different in two important ways. First, it has very low surface tension that allows it to more effectively penetrate the fabric fibers and wash away dirt particles. Additionally, GreenEarth cleans and rinses more gently, reducing wear and tear on fabrics. Second, liquid silicone is chemically inert, meaning it does not chemically react with textile fabric or dyes during the cleaning process. This minimizes abrasion to and/or swelling of fabric fibers, lessens fading, helps maintain softness, and prevents shrinkage. As a result more clothes can be safely cleaned with GreenEarth. Delicate silks, suede, and leather trims, beads, sequins, painted garments, specialty buttons and trims, couture garments, heirloom fabrics and other “problem” items are no problem at all.
Odorless and Safe
Traditional dry cleaning may leave a chemical odor on clothes. But clothes cleaned in GreenEarth have absolutely no odor. This is especially important for people who have asthma and skin sensitivities. GreenEarth is non-allergenic and non-irritating; it is so safe you could rub it on your skin. In fact, you probably already do. That’s because GreenEarth is same base ingredient found in everyday shampoos, conditioners, skin lotions, and antiperspirants.
GreenEarth is also beneficial to people who work in or live near dry cleaning stores, because they no longer have to worry about the dangers of exposure to perc (short for perchloroethylene, the petrochemical used by most cleaners). According to the EPA, over-exposure to perc can lead to headaches, dizziness, skin and eye irritation and other health effects, including an increased risk of cancer. Seniors, young children, and pregnant women are especially vulnerable. People who work in or live near Flair Cleaners have absolutely nothing to worry about. GreenEarth’s cleaning system is safe to work with, safe to dispose of, and safe to breathe. Our employees especially love working in an odorless dry cleaning shop.
GreenEarth is one more way that Flair Cares about you, our community, and our planet.
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