
After enjoying time away in nature, hiking, and camping, the last thing you want to think about is cleaning up. Coming home tired and relaxed, many people simply throw their dirty outdoor gear into the garage and forget about it until their next adventure. This leads to a build-up of grime, dirt, and smells, which can destroy fabrics, stitching, your gear, and your fun.
With the right care, your gear can last season after season. And, sometimes the best care is left to the pros, like Flair Cleaners.
With the right care, your gear can last season after season. And, sometimes the best care is left to the pros, like Flair Cleaners.
Outdoor Gear Care
Backpacks. It’s no doubt that after a weekend away camping, your backpack isn’t going to smell very fresh. The odor comes from a mix of sweat, dirt, food crumbs, and other debris picked up along the way. Without deep cleaning, these will shorten the life of your bag. Giving your backpack a deep dry cleaning can remove these unwanted hitchhikers from the fibers without harming your gear.
Tents. If you’re like us, your tent will come home with mud, grime, and dust in every corner, inside and out. And don’t forget the campfire smoke. Spot cleaning with a quick spray of the hose is fine in between trips in the same season. But if you want to maintain the quality and usefulness of the tent, you’ll want it professionally cleaned and re-waterproofed each year. Expert cleaners can repair minor holes or tears before they become disasters, and ensure zippers are free from dirt that can cause them to stick.
Sleeping bags. Over time the inside of the sleeping bag can become compacted with dirt (and dust mites, skin cells, etc.,) which interferes with the bag’s ability to keep you warm. Hanging them out to “air” may get out some smells but it doesn’t touch the dirt. Washing these at home can apply stress to the fabrics and seams, and even cause tears. At Flair, our gentle process deep cleans while ensuring your sleeping bag will be warm and toasty for your next high-country adventure.
Footwear. Hiking boots and shoes are often the toughest to clean, as they get the dirtiest from repeated use. It’s important to take good care of your boots so they can ensure your safety on the trail and last longer. Clean your boots after every camping trip as small dirt and dust particles can creep their way into the fabric fibers and break down the shoe materials. Check all surfaces when cleaning as particles of sand, gravel, and dirt can creep into the holes.
So, if you love adventuring, but hate trying to clean your outdoor gear, leave it to Flair. Then go out and make some memories.
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