It’s the rare person who likes to do laundry, yet it is the one chore that seems never to end. But, then, when you think you’ve caught up, you find that shirt you need in the dirty clothes hamper. And if you ever take a break, you have that much more to deal with when you take it on again. These tips, however, may make your load a little easier.
Eliminate Sorting
You do need to sort clothes before washing for best results, but why wait. Instead, sort them as you collect them for washing. Then, train your family to put the right items in the proper hampers – delicate, light, dark, towel, and sheets – so you don’t have to do it all on wash day.
Take It One Day At A Time
The average person spends six hours completing laundry for their household each week. That’s almost an entire day. But, if you do a load a day, it’s not quite so burdensome. For example, if you’re an early riser, put on the wash before coffee. Pop the wash in the dryer after you shower, and fold it before you go to bed. Setting specific times and days for laundry can help. For example, make Friday sheets day. Then you’ll have a fresh, relaxing bed where you can wind down from a busy week.
Teaching your kids to do laundry is a life skill they will undoubtedly use. So why not start early and teach them to do their own? It will take at least one load off your back. Or outsource and rely on Flair’s Wash and Fold service either when you need a break, after a house full of company, or regularly. We even pick up and deliver!
Are you interested in learning more about Flair’s services? Contact us today!
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