Holiday Greetings from Flair!
It’s been a wonderful year at Flair! We are delighted that we have been able to increase our focus on our three priorities our customers, our community and the environment. As always, our customers and our commitment to delivering high quality services come first. We are gratified by your response to our new website and newsletter, and with our growing online community where we engage with you at your convenience. We were fortunate to celebrate major milestones and provide newly remodeled stores to meet your needs. We plan to complete all our remodels in 2016.
Again, with your support we completed a hugely successful Flair Care Packages Drive in May, and are in the midst of our 13th Annual Flair Cares Clothing and Shoe Drive, which is also shaping up to be a success. We also supported even more schools and community groups with their programs than we have in the past, and we are happy to continue doing so next year. In 2016, we will be announcing a new focus for giving back. Check our blog and Facebook page for details.
Our commitment to the environment continued as well, with increased participation in our hanger recycling program and use of the Better Bag. Thank you for your support.
At this joyous time of year, we want to thank you for your loyal patronage. We wish you abundance, happiness, and peace in a New Year filled with hope.
~The Futterman and Singer families and all of us a Flair Cleaners
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